C programming Tutorial


C is a static, standardized, overall-purpose computer programming language that has provided the basis for many other languages of programming.

This C tutorial starts with an introduction to C and will work through the C language's basic elements, such as how to define variables and construct programming loops.

You will be designing your own C-applications with this tutorial

C Programming Language

C is a-product of the Unix operating system, and C is a popular programming language that is widely used. It is used from the outset for operating systems, microcontrollers, applications, and graphics. In Automation, it has been a common language in recent days.

The presence of C is very prevalent in traditional or modern programming languages. Obviously, we may say that C programming has a major impact on C++, C #, Java and Perl and C++ is an extension of C.

C Basics

The language used for programming C is formal and procedural. While designed for device applications, this high-level language has been shown by C to be efficient and versatile enough to be used in business applications.

C primarily focuses on:

  • Efficiency - Although the compiled source code of C is greater than the assembly size, it is typically much smaller in size than other languages.
  • Portability - Since the core language is unified with ANSI, applications published in ANSI C can usually be compiled and run on devices from PCs to mainframe computers. Nevertheless, if they want to, developers can write non-portable programs.
  • Flexibility - Since C is a low-level language, it can be integrated into small or large embedded devices. C has very few limitations on how / where it's being used.

The standard collection is one of the main strengths of the C. This library includes hundreds of functions that provide string manipulation, input/output, and other tools that programmers can use on all platforms.

Now, Learn more about the C language, then visit our online C programming tutorial for beginners, Our main aimed to get provide full information about c programming for the beginning level to the advanced level with help of examples

Also, Visit Here  Loops in C


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