JavaScript Events

Events in JavaScript

javascript events
JavaScript's interaction that is generally with the HTML is basically handled by the help of the events that generally occur when the user or the browser is manipulating a page. Whenever the page gets loaded, this is known as an event. Whenever the user usually clicks a button even that click too is an event. Some other examples generally include events just like pressing any key, closing a window, resizing a window, and the list goes on.

Web Developers can generally use these types of events in order to execute JavaScript coded responses that are responsible for the buttons to close windows, messages to be displayed to users, data to be validated, and lastly the virtually any other type of response that is imaginable.

JavaScript Events are basically a part of the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 and also every
An HTML element that generally contains a set of events that can trigger JavaScript Code.

In order to learn more about the HTML, you will have to learn the concepts of the HTML.

As we know that the Events are an essential part of the HTML, hence they have been used multiple times in this language. Let’s get to know them.

HTML 5 Standard Events

Here is the list of the standard HTML 5 events that are listed below for your understanding. Here script indicates a JavaScript function that is to be executed against that event.

To know more or learn about the JavaScript Events you should refer to the JavaScript Tutorial that has all the information that is needed to grasp the entire concept.


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